Ashley Allen


Hi, my name's Ashley. I'm a programmer based in London, UK. I love solving complex problems efficiently and cleanly. I also love games, playing them and making them. You can see some of my small game projects here.

Dino Jump

October - November 2017

Keywords: C, Processing, Arduino, OpenSCAD, electronics


A simple clone of the dinosaur jumping game that appears when you have no internet in Chrome. Designed it to be used with an Arduino acting as a motion controller which you have to physically lift to make the dinosaur jump. Also included a button on the controller to navigate through the game’s menus and a buzzer that plays sound effects and a little jingle when you lose the game. Programmed the game in Processing and the Arduino code in C, designed the Arduino circuit in Fritzing and a basic 3d-printable case for the Ardunio in OpenSCAD.


start of game gameplay game over fritzing case